Posts Tagged ‘civil ceremony’

Jul 24
The necessary Documents by Civil Ceremony in the UK – Wedding Preparation
The word ‘wedding’ comes from the Anglo-Saxon word wed, meaning a pledge (especially a financial one), and it is this pledge, in its modern form, that constitutes a marriage. For the marriage to be legal in this country it has to take the form of a public declaration, before at least two adult witnesses, that the couple intend to live together as husband and wife, and know of no reason legally why they are not free to marry. They must also fulfil the legal requirements in every respect.
In Church of England services these requirements are bound up in the wording of the marriage ceremony. In ceremonies held at registry offices or in churches of other denominations, both parties must make a public declaration in these or similar words: I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I (full name) may not be joined in matrimony to (full name of partner)’. Then each must say: ‘I call upon these persons here present to witness that I (full name) do take (full name of partner) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband’. (more…)