Nov 14

Registration of Civil Partnership by Civil Partnership Officer a British Consular Officer

Registration of Civil Partnership by Civil Partnership Officer
You can register a civil partnership in any country or territory outside the UK in the presence of a Civil Partnership Officer, if the following conditions are met:
• At least one of the proposed civil partners is a United Kingdom national.
• The proposed civil partners would have been eligible to register as civil partners of each other in the relevant part of the United Kingdom.
• The authorities of the country or territory in which it is proposed that they register as civil partners will not object to the registration.
• Insufficient facilities exist for them to enter into an overseas relationship under the law of that country or territory.
For more information visit: htm.

Top tips
• Remember to take out travel and wedding insurance as soon as you make the booking (see Legal and financial considerations).
• Combine your ceremony with the honeymoon to cut down on travel costs.
• Check out legal implications and residency requirements.
• Make a group booking on travel and accommodation to reduce costs.

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