Posts Tagged ‘wedding preparation’

Aug 07
Wedding Ideas – Who Pays for What at the Wedding
Wedding Ideas In past times the rules over paying for weddings were very clearly laid out; the bride’s father met many of the costs, and the rest were covered by the groom. These days it is much less clear cut. Most couples contribute jointly towards the costs, just as they would towards any other event they were organising together, and often the groom’s family also help pay for the wedding or some part of it. Of course the whole issue of who pays for what will be something that you will need to talk about in some detail with both sets of parents, being realistic over what you can all afford. Here, for basic guidelines, are the expenses that are traditionally met by each side, although your own list may look very different! (more…)

Aug 06
Order of Service Reading Prayers Music and Bible readings – Wedding Preparation
Order of Service Reading Prayers Music and Bible readings – Wedding Preparation Choosing the music and readings is all part of personalizing your big day. Refer to Checklist 5 ‘Order of Service’ (more…)

Aug 06
Weeding ideas – second wedding
Second wedding Second weddings are very common with the rising divorce statistics in this country, and are developing an etiquette all of their own. Widows and widowers Of course if you have been married before and your spouse has died, you are quite free to get married in church. Generally a full white wedding with all the trimmings will not be appropriate if the bride has been married before, but may be totally appropriate if it is the groom who is the widower. If the bride is a widow she and the groom will probably share the cost of the wedding, although there is nothing to stop her parents making a contribution.
Where to marry? Until recently it has been very unusual for Anglican ministers to marry a couple where one of them is divorced and the divorced partner is still living, but there are moves afoot to change this. (more…)

Aug 04
Wedding Cake Preparation and Types – Plan my Wedding
The wedding cake is the centrepiece of your reception and cutting the cake is one of the traditional highlights. Your first decision is what type of wedding cake to have and whether you will make it yourself or have it Professional by made. Decide on your requirements as follows: one cake or individual ones type of cake (fruit, sponge or chocolate) number of slices required (taking into account the number of guests, number of portions to be sent out in cake boxes and whether you wish to keep a tier for Christmas or the first christening) or how many individual cakes Configuration (more…)

Aug 02
Choose Clothes for the Male Attendants – Ideas for Wedding
Choose Clothes for the Male Attendants – Ideas for Wedding Liaise with the best man, bride’s father and ushers to ensure color and style co-ordination. It is important that they feel comfortable and wear an outfit that is well fitting and compatible with what the bridegroom will be wearing. (more…)

Jul 30
Step-by-step Guide to Planning your Wedding on Time
Step-by-step Guide to Planning your Wedding on Time □ Produce a schedule with the suggested columns □ Consider whether you wish to make a formal announcement • national newspaper (more…)

Jul 28
The day before the Wedding – Plan my Wedding
The day before the Wedding – Plan my Wedding Definitely take the day off work. Deliver your honeymoon luggage or overnight bag to the hotel. Think through where you need your car – should you leave it at the venue for the morning after the wedding? (more…)

Jul 26
Entertainment at Wedding Reception – Plan my Wedding
Entertainment at Wedding Reception – Plan my Wedding Entertainment is a huge part of your wedding reception to ensure everyone enjoys the celebrations in a great party atmosphere. Whether you want a DJ, a live band or pre-recorded music, there’s great scope for letting your imagination run wild. (more…)

Jul 24
The necessary Documents by Civil Ceremony in the UK – Wedding Preparation
The word ‘wedding’ comes from the Anglo-Saxon word wed, meaning a pledge (especially a financial one), and it is this pledge, in its modern form, that constitutes a marriage. For the marriage to be legal in this country it has to take the form of a public declaration, before at least two adult witnesses, that the couple intend to live together as husband and wife, and know of no reason legally why they are not free to marry. They must also fulfil the legal requirements in every respect.
In Church of England services these requirements are bound up in the wording of the marriage ceremony. In ceremonies held at registry offices or in churches of other denominations, both parties must make a public declaration in these or similar words: I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I (full name) may not be joined in matrimony to (full name of partner)’. Then each must say: ‘I call upon these persons here present to witness that I (full name) do take (full name of partner) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband’. (more…)

Jul 18
Wedding Civil Partnership in UK Scotland Northern Ireland and Legal Preliminaries
Wedding Civil Partnership in UK Scotland Northern Ireland and Legal Preliminaries The Civil Partnership Act 2004 gives same sex couples in the UK the right to register their partnership and acquire a new legal Status as ‘registered civil partners’. This includes rights pertaining to partner’s children, taxation, inheritance, (more…)