Posts Tagged ‘wedding preparation’

Dec 24
After Wedding Formalities Administrative Tasks – Plan my Wedding
Now that the formalities have been conducted, all that remains are some administrative tasks such as informing relevant people and organizations of your change of name, thanking all the people who helped make the day run smoothly and ordering the wedding photographs. □ Obtain some photocopies of your marriage certificate, as many organizations will require a copy when you notify them of your change of name □ Advise any change of name and address There is no legal requirement for the bride to change her name. She can retain her own name completely, or continue to use it for business purposes only □ Write outstanding thank-you letters for wedding gifts or donations and note the date on which you send them □ Write thank-you letters • parents • attendants (more…)
Dec 22
Important Duties of the Chief Bridesmaid or Matron of Honour – Plan my Wedding
The chief bridesmaid is usually a sister or dose friend of the bride. She liaises closely with the bride during the wedding preparations and helps with the clothing for any other bridesmaids, flower girl and pageboys. The Matron of Honour is usually the bride’s older married sister and is normally the only female attendant.
6 months □ Discuss plans with the bride, groom and best man (more…)

Dec 20
Choose Clothes for the Pageboys – Ideas for Wedding
Choose Clothes for the Pageboys – Ideas for Wedding Traditional outfits for small boys include a miniature sailor’s uniform, a kilt and sporran, velvet pantaloons and waistcoat, with a full-sleeved shirt underneath, or a military uniform if the groom is an officer and is wearing uniform. Older boys could (more…)

Dec 12
Choose Clothes for the Bridegroom – Ideas for Wedding
Choose Clothes for the Bridegroom – Ideas for Wedding Discuss your ideas with the bride to ensure color and style co- ordination between yourselves and your respective attendants. Decide whether it will be appropriate for you to wear a lounge suit (informal) or morning dress (formal). It is important that (more…)

Dec 06
The day itself before the Wedding – Plan my Wedding
The day itself before the Wedding – Plan my Wedding Have a hearty breakfast. Make yourself eat even if you don’t feel hungry – it is a long day. Set aside an hour for deep relaxation. Have your hair styled. Take any flowers, veils, or tiaras you are incorporating into your style to the hairdressers, or have a hairdresser come to your venue for last-minute styling. (more…)

Nov 30
Reception after the Ceremony Hotel Restaurant – Wedding Preparation
Reception after the Ceremony Hotel Restaurant – Wedding Preparation Once all the formalities of the ceremony are over, the reception is your time to relax with your guests. Ideally, it should reflect the overall style or theme of your wedding. The two biggest decisions you will make when planning your wedding reception will involve the venue and the food and drink. (more…)

Nov 24
Marrying in Church is not that Hard – Wedding Preparation
Marrying in Church is not that Hard – Wedding Preparation It is possible to have a church wedding whatever your beliefs and whether or not you are baptized and go to church. Marrying in church has never been easier thanks to a change in the law, which means you now have more churches to choose from. Lots of people marry in their own local church, but maybe you would like to marry in a church away from where you live because it has (more…)

Nov 20
Duties of the Brides Father or Giver-Away – Plan my Wedding
Duties of the Brides Father or Giver-Away – Plan my Wedding The bride’s father escorts the bride to the church and gives her away. By prior arrangement with the Superintendent Registrar, it is possible to include the bride being ‘given away’ in a civil ceremony also. Although this is usually undertaken by the bride’s father, a brother, male guardian or uncle may perform this task. (more…)

Nov 16
Hair and Beauty for the Wedding Day – Ideas for Wedding
Hair and Beauty for the Wedding Day – Ideas for Wedding Your wedding day is the most important day of your life and you will want to fee! and look wonderful. Perhaps you’ve set yourself a weight loss goal or maybe your wedding is simply the catalyst for a bit of self-improvement and pampering. (more…)

Nov 08
Important Duties of the Bridesmaids – Plan my Wedding
Important Duties of the Bridesmaids – Plan my Wedding Bridesmaids are usually unmarried sisters or dose friends of the bride. Older bridesmaids liaise dosely with the bride and chief bridesmaid during the wedding preparations and help with the choice of dresses. Younger ones will not be expected to take an (more…)