Sep 12
Perfect Wedding Decorations – Venue Flowers Bouquets and Cars
You need to think about how to decorate the ceremony room, the reception room and any areas guests will walk through, such as the entrance hall, corridors or stairs leading to function rooms. Then there are the table decorations and favours. To get some ideas, talk to the management at the venue about what is possible and how other people have decorated it for weddings. The venue or your caterer may be able to recommend companies they have worked with before, or they may have props you can use. For example, they probably have table linen, vases, lighting and candlestick holders. If you are getting married in December or early January, the venue may be decorated for Christmas, saving you the trouble. Check if there are any restrictions – for example, some venues don’t allow candles, or anything stuck to walls.
Before you go too far, you need to ask the venue how early you can access the room, where decorations can be stored and when they need to be removed. If you or a decorating company need access the day before or hours in advance, you might find you have to pay extra hire charges. If you are doing the decoration yourself, make sure you rope in friends to help – you don’t want to be (more…)

Sep 09
Catering Buffet Food Drinks – Professional Wedding Preparation
Whether you choose Professional caterers or prepare some of the food yourself, it is important to have the freedom to enjoy the reception and circulate among the guests. You need to consider a Professional caterer if your guest list exceeds 20. You might not enjoy yourself if you’re running around worrying about dirty dishes and whether or not everyone has had enough to eat. Factors that determine your style of catering are: budget, number of guests (consider professional caterers if over 20), availability of sufficient cutlery, china, glassware, etc., time of wedding (tends to dictate how hungry your guests will be and the most appropriate type of food to provide), type of food to be served, help available for advance food preparation and on the day. Do not be over-ambitious. Avoid food that is very spicy, fat-rieh or fiddly to eat. Choose bite-size, non-drip and non-crumbly food for a finger buffet. It is advisable to fest out any new recipes beforehand. (more…)

Sep 08
Organize Wedding Reception and Preparation – Guests Restaurant Hotel
Choosing the right time, place and atmosphere for your wedding reception will help to ensure that your wedding celebrations are conducted to your entire satisfaction! Put a lot of thought into the details of your reception; it will not be wasted time, and will help to guarantee that on the day everything runs smoothly and everyone has a good time.
What kind of a reception do you want? Conventional receptions come in many forms: formal, sit-down meals, hot or cold buffets, parties at home or in a hall or marquee, evening parties for friends and relations. Your style of reception should echo the style of your wedding; for instance, if you are having a very formal, very large church wedding with all the trimmings then a formal sit-down reception in an hotel or restaurant would be appropriate. On the other hand, if you are having a very small, quiet registry office wedding you may want to have a small buffet reception at your mother’s home. (more…)

Sep 08
Honeymoon Planning und Preparation – Perfect Destinations and Locations
Decide where will you live. One extremely important question to decide well before the wedding day is where you will live after you are married. If one of you already has a house it may be easiest to move in together there; however, the place may not be big enough, particularly if it is a typical single person’s flat or bedsit, so this may not be practical. Or, you may be setting up your married life in a completely new area, and may have to find new accommodation from scratch.
Living with Relatives after the HoneymoonIf you are not well off you may decide to live with one or other sets of parents, or with another relative, until you can afford a place of your own. This, like most living arrangements, has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that you don’t need to get involved in the trouble and expense of buying a house until you have had a chance to adjust to married life; you will be able to live more cheaply than if you were living on your own; you should be able to share some of the chores such as cooking, washing, cleaning, gardening, shopping, etc; and both couples will have someone else around for companionship. Potential problems are, of course, manifold, and this situation may be particularly difficult for the son or daughter-in-law who has married into the family; he or she may feel that they have not taken on a marriage partner but a whole family! (more…)

Sep 05
Perfect Wedding Invitations – Guest List Variations and Send out Ideas
The invitation sets the tone of your wedding and should reflect the ideas that came from your wish list. Having compiled this, you will know if you want your wedding to be formal, fun, posh or homespun. It is important to check the capacity of the church, register office or approved premises before deciding how many guests to invite to the ceremony and ascertain how many can be catered for at the reception. □ Decide how many guests you would like to invite to the ceremony and the reception □ Produce a schedule with the suggested columns: Name and Address, Tel. No., No. of children, Accepted, Refused □ Decide whether you wish to invite couples with babies or young children □ Prepare a guest list for the ceremony and reception and have some names in reserve □ Prepare a separate guest list for the evening reception and have some names in reserve □ Determine how many invitations are required □ Decide whether it is appropriate to include any guidance on dress or theme □ Place the order and confirm the required date of supply (more…)

Sep 01
Мarriage Abroad in Foreign Country – Wedding Ideas Law Blessing Gay
Gretna Green has over the years acquired an aura associating it with runaway marriages and elopements, as it is the first place over the Scottish border and Scotland’s regulations on marriage are not as restrictive as those of England and Wales. Scotland was outside the scope of the 1754 Marriage Act that governed the other countries; at one time it was possible to marry in Scotland simply by a declaration before two witnesses, but their laws have now been tightened up considerably and are bound by the Marriage (Scotland) Act of 1977.
You may marry in Scotland provided that you are 16 or over; if you are under 18 you do not need to have the permission of your parents or guardian. You can be married by a registrar or assistant registrar in the registry office, or you can be married by any clergyman, parson, priest or officer of any religious denomination who is entitled to undertake marriages according to the 1977 Act. Whichever type of wedding you choose, you must have two witnesses present who are over 16. Banns are not necessary for Scottish church weddings, and the minister has wider discretionary powers than he does in England and Wales; for instance, he may be willing to many you in your home or at a hotel. (more…)

Feb 02
The service and what constitutes a marriage – marriage planner
The word ‘wedding’ comes from the Anglo-Saxon word wed, meaning a pledge (especially a financial one), and it is this pledge, in its modern form, that constitutes a marriage. For the marriage to be legal in this country it has to take the form of a public declaration, before at least two adult witnesses, that the couple intend to live together as husband and wife, and know of no reason legally why they are not free to marry. They must also fulfil the legal requirements in every respect. (more…)

Jan 30
Important Duties of the Best Man – Plan my Wedding
Important Duties of the Best Man The best man is chosen by the bridegroom and is usually a brother or a good friend. This responsibie role involves offering a certain amount of help with the preparations and considerable activity on the wedding day to ensure everything proceeds smoothly and is a complete success. (more…)

Jan 28
Hiring Hall or Function Room Reception – Wedding Preparation
Hiring Hall or function room will allow you more space and flexibility than holding the reception at home, whilst giving you plenty of scope to add your own personal touches. It provides the opportunity to self-cater or use professional caterers and is generally less costly than a hotel. (more…)

Jan 26
Duties of the Flower Girl and Pageboys – Plan my Wedding
Duties of the Flower Girl and Pageboys Flower girls and pageboys are usually nieces and nephews or young brothers and sisters and are generally no younger than about five nor older than nine or 10. Flower girls walk in front of the bride carrying posies of flowers or bunches of thornless roses, which they can pass out to the guests as they go. They can also scatter rose or other flower petals before the bride as (more…)