Posts Tagged ‘wedding planner’

Aug 30
Wedding Ideas – Types of Ceremony, Alternative options
Alternative wedding ceremony There are many variations on the traditional basic wedding; you may want to have a wedding that is a little bit different because of preference or because of unavoidable circumstances. Here are some of the options for varying your wedding ceremony.
Military wedding If one or both of you is in the armed forces, you may wish to have a military style wedding. If the bride is in the forces she will probably prefer a traditional dress to her uniform, while the groom may wear either his dress uniform or his regulation version. (more…)

Aug 29
Wedding Ideas – Announcing your engagement
Sharing your news – announcing engagement The first thing that you want to do when you are engaged is – tell everyone! And, of course, all your family and friends will want to share in the good news and to wish you well. Announcing an engagement is a much less formal event these days than it used to be, but it is still worth following a few basic guidelines to make sure that everyone hears the news and that nothing is left out.
Telling parents The days are past when a young man had to have a formal interview with his prospective father-in-law to ask him for his daughter’s hand in marriage; these days an engagement is almost exclusively a matter for a couple to decide for themselves. (more…)

Aug 28
Wedding Ideas – Marriage and the law in different Locations
Scotland – different Locations marriage Gretna Green has over the years acquired an aura associating it with runaway marriages and elopements, as it is the first place over the Scottish border and Scotland’s regulations on marriage are not as restrictive as those of England and Wales. Scotland was outside the scope of the 1754 Marriage Act that governed the other countries; at one time it was possible to marry in Scotland simply by a declaration before two witnesses, but their laws have now been tightened up considerably and are bound by the Marriage (Scotland) Act of 1977. You may marry in Scotland provided that you are 16 or over; (more…)

Aug 27
Wedding Ideas – Specific Responsibilities before the Marriage
Specific marriage responsibilities In a large, formal wedding; everyone in the wedding party has specific tasks. These tasks will vary according to the details of your wedding, but here are some basic guidelines.
Bride Buys the groom’s ring if he is having one Holds the bride’s party (or hen party) if she is having one May buy presents for her parents Plans and selects her own dress and accessories and those of the bridesmaids Chooses a going-away outfit Prepares a gift list Writes thank you notes for gifts received Makes arrangements for the cake (more…)

Aug 11
Wedding Ideas – Thinking about Family, Money, Leisure and Sex
Family Do I get on with my partner’s parents and family? Does my partner get on with my parents and family? Are there any areas of friction? if so, what can we do about them? Do We come from similar social backgrounds? If not, is this a problem? Or could it become one? Do we have similar attitudes to family get-togethers? Is either of us too dependent on our own family? How often will we expect to see our families after our marriage? How often will they expect to see us? Will I be tempted to put my family before my marriage? Are our family situations similar or different? (For instance, the number of children in the family, attitudes to money, etc.) If so, is this going to be a problem? (more…)

Aug 10
Wedding Ideas – the Rules of Love
The art of love During the 12th century one Andreas Capellanus (‘Andrew the Chaplain’) wrote a treatise in Latin called the Art of Loving. In it he laid down 31 rules of love; no-one is quite sure whether they were to be taken seriously or whether they were tongue-in-cheek! However, here they are. (more…)

Aug 09
Wedding Ideas – Types of ceremony, Informality
Informal wedding ceremony Informality can be brought into the traditional wedding service in many ways; choose the kind that you feel most comfortable with, and resist any conventions that you feel are inappropriate. The bride could wear a shorter dress, or one without a train, of less traditional design. She can get married in a suit, in trousers if she wishes, or in a dress that is coloured rather than white. The bridesmaids can wear less traditional clothes too – for instance tartan or striped cotton rather than pastel satin or net. The bride may choose not to have any attendants, or may choose a friend who will wear ordinary clothes. The bouquets could be made up of garden flowers or wild flowers. (more…)

Aug 08
Wedding Ideas – Types of Ceremony
Choosing a wedding ceremony One of the earliest questions to be settled is the kind of wedding that you want. There are numerous options open to you, and you have the chance to make this most important day live up to all your hopes and expectations for it! Make sure that you choose the type of wedding with which you feel most comfortable. If you have always wanted a large, formal wedding, then go for that option – on the other hand, if you cringe at the thought of all that drama, or if you would be happier with a non-religious ceremony, then don’t let anyone push you into a formal church wedding. The basic options for the type of ceremony are set out here; choose the one that fits your own preferences best, and then you can add your own details to it to personalise the day. (more…)

Aug 07
Wedding Ideas – Who Pays for What at the Wedding
Wedding Ideas In past times the rules over paying for weddings were very clearly laid out; the bride’s father met many of the costs, and the rest were covered by the groom. These days it is much less clear cut. Most couples contribute jointly towards the costs, just as they would towards any other event they were organising together, and often the groom’s family also help pay for the wedding or some part of it. Of course the whole issue of who pays for what will be something that you will need to talk about in some detail with both sets of parents, being realistic over what you can all afford. Here, for basic guidelines, are the expenses that are traditionally met by each side, although your own list may look very different! (more…)

Aug 06
Weeding ideas – second wedding
Second wedding Second weddings are very common with the rising divorce statistics in this country, and are developing an etiquette all of their own. Widows and widowers Of course if you have been married before and your spouse has died, you are quite free to get married in church. Generally a full white wedding with all the trimmings will not be appropriate if the bride has been married before, but may be totally appropriate if it is the groom who is the widower. If the bride is a widow she and the groom will probably share the cost of the wedding, although there is nothing to stop her parents making a contribution.
Where to marry? Until recently it has been very unusual for Anglican ministers to marry a couple where one of them is divorced and the divorced partner is still living, but there are moves afoot to change this. (more…)