Nov 22
Consider using a Wedding Planner – view more Details
Consider using a Wedding Planner – view more Details If you are frantically busy with your job, looking after the kids or an elderly relative, or just feel overwhelmed by the thought of planning a gay wedding, you can call in a wedding planner to take the strain. ‘Gay wedding planners’ is certainly one (more…)

Nov 20
Duties of the Brides Father or Giver-Away – Plan my Wedding
Duties of the Brides Father or Giver-Away – Plan my Wedding The bride’s father escorts the bride to the church and gives her away. By prior arrangement with the Superintendent Registrar, it is possible to include the bride being ‘given away’ in a civil ceremony also. Although this is usually undertaken by the bride’s father, a brother, male guardian or uncle may perform this task. (more…)

Nov 18
Decide who to invite creating a Guest List – Plan my Wedding
Decide who to invite creating a Guest List – Plan my Wedding Refer to your wish list, if you want an intimate wedding, you may be looking at between 10 and 40 guests, or for an extravaganza, anything up to around 500. When compiling your list, think of family, friends, work colleagues and other areas of (more…)

Nov 16
Hair and Beauty for the Wedding Day – Ideas for Wedding
Hair and Beauty for the Wedding Day – Ideas for Wedding Your wedding day is the most important day of your life and you will want to fee! and look wonderful. Perhaps you’ve set yourself a weight loss goal or maybe your wedding is simply the catalyst for a bit of self-improvement and pampering. (more…)

Nov 14
Registration of Civil Partnership by Civil Partnership Officer a British Consular Officer
Registration of Civil Partnership by Civil Partnership Officer You can register a civil partnership in any country or territory outside the UK in the presence of a Civil Partnership Officer, if the following conditions are met: (more…)

Nov 12
Decide on wedding stationery – Plan my Wedding
Decide on wedding stationery – Plan my Wedding There’s more to wedding stationery than meets the eye and, for consistency, it is best to have all printed material designed at the same time. If you want to go to town, you can have all the following items: • ‘Save the date’ cards (more…)

Nov 10
Organizing a Reception at Home – Plan my Wedding
Organizing a Reception at Home – Plan my Wedding If you are organizing the reception at home, there are still quite a few things to think about. Here are some pointers. Space If space is tight indoors and you have a garden big enough, why not have your wedding reception in a marquee? They don’t need to (more…)

Nov 08
Important Duties of the Bridesmaids – Plan my Wedding
Important Duties of the Bridesmaids – Plan my Wedding Bridesmaids are usually unmarried sisters or dose friends of the bride. Older bridesmaids liaise dosely with the bride and chief bridesmaid during the wedding preparations and help with the choice of dresses. Younger ones will not be expected to take an (more…)

Nov 06
Drinks Calculator Glasses for the Cathering and Wedding Cake
Drinks Calculator Glasses for the Cathering – Plan my Wedding Top tip Add cold water to your ice buckets or boxes to speed up the cooling process. Wine will take only about ten minutes to chill down in an ice bucket. (more…)

Nov 04
Reception at Home Ideas – Wedding Preparation
Reception at Home Ideas – Wedding Preparation A reception at home will have a more intimate atmosphere, but numbers may be restricted. A marquee in the garden will offer more space and flexibility. Depending on the number of guests, you may wish to consider hiring Professional caterers. (more…)