Sep 04
Going away after the wedding reception – helpful information
After the formal part of the wedding reception is over, the bride and groom should plan to have a time when they can circulate, separately or together, and talk to all of the guests informally. This may be the only chance that you get to see your guests on an informal level, so make the most of it. If possible this should be done while you are still in all your wedding finery; it will be a chance for the guests to admire your outfits at close quarters as well as to give you their good wishes. (more…)

Sep 02
Evening after wedding parties with friends – wedding planner
Wedding parties Many couples these days choose to have an evening party for wider groups of friends when they have not been able to invite them all to the reception. This is an ideal opportunity for colleagues, friends from sports teams or clubs, etc, to give you their own good wishes for your married life and also to join in the celebrations. (more…)

Aug 30
Choose the right wedding accessories – wedding organizer
Wedding accessories It’s no good choosing your dress carefully unless you pay just as much attention to what goes with it! Your accessories should complement the mood and style of your dress and of the wedding in general – for instance it would be inappropriate to wear flat white sandals with a very formal dress with a train. Keep your dress in mind when choosing all your accessories – ideally try them on with it – and you can be sure that the complete effect will be harmonious. (more…)

Aug 30
Wedding Ideas – Types of Ceremony, Alternative options
Alternative wedding ceremony There are many variations on the traditional basic wedding; you may want to have a wedding that is a little bit different because of preference or because of unavoidable circumstances. Here are some of the options for varying your wedding ceremony.
Military wedding If one or both of you is in the armed forces, you may wish to have a military style wedding. If the bride is in the forces she will probably prefer a traditional dress to her uniform, while the groom may wear either his dress uniform or his regulation version. (more…)

Aug 29
Wedding Ideas – Announcing your engagement
Sharing your news – announcing engagement The first thing that you want to do when you are engaged is – tell everyone! And, of course, all your family and friends will want to share in the good news and to wish you well. Announcing an engagement is a much less formal event these days than it used to be, but it is still worth following a few basic guidelines to make sure that everyone hears the news and that nothing is left out.
Telling parents The days are past when a young man had to have a formal interview with his prospective father-in-law to ask him for his daughter’s hand in marriage; these days an engagement is almost exclusively a matter for a couple to decide for themselves. (more…)

Aug 28
Wedding Ideas – Marriage and the law in different Locations
Scotland – different Locations marriage Gretna Green has over the years acquired an aura associating it with runaway marriages and elopements, as it is the first place over the Scottish border and Scotland’s regulations on marriage are not as restrictive as those of England and Wales. Scotland was outside the scope of the 1754 Marriage Act that governed the other countries; at one time it was possible to marry in Scotland simply by a declaration before two witnesses, but their laws have now been tightened up considerably and are bound by the Marriage (Scotland) Act of 1977. You may marry in Scotland provided that you are 16 or over; (more…)

Aug 28
The good drinks are essential at every wedding – wedding event planner
Wedding drinks Once you have decided what you are going to eat at your reception, you will need to decide what you are going to have to drink. Choose the drinks to fit in to the general style and formality of the occasion, just as the food should. (more…)

Aug 27
Wedding Ideas – Specific Responsibilities before the Marriage
Specific marriage responsibilities In a large, formal wedding; everyone in the wedding party has specific tasks. These tasks will vary according to the details of your wedding, but here are some basic guidelines.
Bride Buys the groom’s ring if he is having one Holds the bride’s party (or hen party) if she is having one May buy presents for her parents Plans and selects her own dress and accessories and those of the bridesmaids Chooses a going-away outfit Prepares a gift list Writes thank you notes for gifts received Makes arrangements for the cake (more…)

Aug 26
Green Gold Wedding Bands – more in detail
Green Gold Wedding Bands “I’ve never seen green gold before!” We hear that a lot. We take it as a compliment. Green gold wedding rings are among the more unusual rings that we could possibly offer.
What is actually green gold? Green gold is a synthetically produced colour variant of gold. The colour of gold can be altered by the alloy (mixed metal).
Are green gold wedding rings just a fad? We certainly don’t think so. Green gold is not a recent invention, Green gold has been around for a while, but it has never been well known. (more…)

Aug 25
Yellow Gold Wedding Bands – useful information
Yellow Gold Wedding Bands Yellow gold is the classic precious metal for wedding rings in Europe and above the ocean as well. Its colour, warm as the sun in people’s heart and has been enchanting for millennia. Yellow Gold rings are unmistakeably recognised and often used as wedding bands.
Quality should be always in your interest The alloy is one of several deciding factors in the quality of your wedding ring.Since 2002, our web page visitors have relied on our high-quality standards concerning gold 14ct. and platinum. (more…)